Lohani caves

The Lohani caves are simple excavations without much of carvings and without any inscription recoding the date of their excavation. In view of many scattered ruins in their vicinity, some of which bear inscriptions, it is likely they were excavated in about the eleventh or twelfth century A.D. In plan they represent a few rock-cut cells meant primarily for residence, perhaps of the Saiva Jogis. A rock-cut cistern is located on the front. Their premises were once filled with debris, which, when cleared, yielded sculptures.
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Act No. LXXI of 1951, dt. 28/11/1951 pdf View Act No. LXXI of 1951, dt. 28/11/1951 pdf View
Locality Tehsil District State
Mandu Nalchha Dhar M.P.